Some of our buddies represented the school fantastically at the Fab Awards at Jarrow Focus. They won the main award for their work towards antibullying. They presented poems about what buddying means to them and they were outstanding. Well done girls!
Reception had a brilliant time taking part in the Superhero sporting event. Our Sports leaders lead the activities brilliantly also and all children represented our school fantastically.
Well done!
Yet again, the Buddies continue to support the younger children’s play skills at Marsden. This year, we have seen the largest number of Year 5 children step up to be superb role models and, together with the Year 6 Buddies, they are making playtimes more enjoyable.
Buddies you are brilliant!
The Buddies continue to work with children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 at lunchtimes to support their play skills. Year 6 Buddies have worked hard over the last year and have shown just how much they care. We now have new recruits from Year 5 who are keen to help younger children.
What a great team they are!
We have a strong team of buddies who work each lunchtime to ensure that our children are happy when they are on our playground.
We have once again won the FAB award because of the wonderful work we do.
The Marsden Buddies have been presented with a FAB (Friends Against Bullying) Award for their outstanding work, at lunchtimes, with Reception and Key Stage One children.
Six Buddies travelled to Boldon School on Wednesday 18th November to collect the award, on behalf of all the Buddies. While there, they had to inform others of the role of Buddies at Marsden and present some of their own poetry.
Well done, Buddies!
Playground Buddies
Marsden’s Playground Buddies are Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who have an important role in creating a safe and happy place for children, in Key Stage One and Reception, during lunchtime play.
Children interested in becoming Playground Buddies complete a job application at the beginning of the school year. Selected pupils are given training, before working in the playground, alongside the supervising adults. A rota is drawn up so all buddies are on duty for one lunchtime play per week.
What is their role?
To help all children to learn how to play cooperatively with each other.
To help children resolve minor conflicts.
Teach children to play a wider range of games.
Help lonely children make more friends.
Most importantly, be available as a friend to all the other children.
How do we spot them?
All Buddies can easily be located because they wear bright yellow high visibility jackets!