In Year Two we have been looking at the text Beegu. To finish our unit we are going to be writing our own alien story and have created some fantastic aliens. We designed them and have used watercolors to bring our ideas to life. They look fantastic!
Do you believe in magic? Do you believe numbers can be magic? Today, Y6 investigated what happens when we add, subtract and reverse non-palindromic numbers. Follow the steps below and see if your mind is blown!
PS a palindromic number is a number that reads the same forwards and backwards for example 232. You must use non-palindromic numbers for this investigation.
Let’s investigate!
1) Write a 3 digit non-palindromic number in your book.
2) Underneath, reverse the digits and write them down.
3) Use a column method to subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
4) Write this number.
5) Reverse this number.
6) Now add these two numbers in a column.
What number did you get? Is it a coincidence?
Is it always true that when we follow this process for non-palindromic numbers we get an answer of 1,089?
Always true, sometimes true, never true?
After learning about place value last week, Y5 tested their understanding of number lines. In pairs, they rolled the dice four times to get a four digit number. Then they had to work out where the number would go on their number line. They also had to work out the correct intervals on their number line up to 10,000.
Congratulations to our winners!
Extra special mention to Leejay for coming second in his Junior Great North Run Category!
Reception loved making self portraits using loose parts – they were brilliant!
Check out these action shots from our after school gymnastics club!
Year 2 are loving having a class pet and have been finding out how to take care of them.
The children loved completing their first experiment in Y5! We posed the questions “Are all materials soluble?” and tried mixing different materials in water to see which would dissolve and which are insoluble.
At first the class thought all the liquid materials would dissolve and make a new solution however soon discovered that oil would sit on the top.
Mrs Hanratty and Mrs Chrisp were very impressed with the presentation in books when recording our work!
Good job Y5 🙂
Last week, we started our science lessons by recapping knowledge previously taught about solids, liquids and gases. I was very impressed when they could explain how the particles behave in each state of matter and even gave me a demonstration.
Click on the music below for choir.