Year 5 have had a fantastic day completing the ‘Mountain Team Challenge’. They worked together to develop their teamwork, communication and perseverance skills in preparation for their trip to London.
Year 5 had a great day ‘reading their way’ throughout World Book Day. We took part in a book token designing competition as well as a book quiz. We made character wooden spoons, read by ourselves and with Year 1 children, and we got our special WBD books to take home.
A special thank you must go out to the Year 5 children who set up and ran the WBD book stall exceptionally well.
Year 1 and Year 2 enjoyed our pancake day race in the hall!
This week, our Year 6 Sports Leaders led a game of Bench Ball for our Year 2 pupils.
They have worked so hard to develop their confidence and leadership skills this half term.
On Friday, all children participated in Number Day to raise money for NSPCC. We completed lots of number based activities and designed our own games which involved lots of calculating!
Year One investigated how we hear sounds. We explored sound waves by feeling the vibrations through string.
George from Year 6 has wowed us all with his reasoning and problem solving skills during Number Day! He persevered in solving these difficult ‘Solvemoji’ problems which included negative decimals!

On Thursday 1st February, Year 4 visited the Discovery Museum in Newcastle. We spent the morning exploring the museum and then took part in a fantastic workshop to find out more about sound and how it travels. We had lots of fun and learned so much about our current science topic!
Year 5 have been learning about ‘Dance by Chance’, inspired by the choreographer Merce Cunningham. We have been learning about actions, rhythm and space and used this as inspiration to create and perform our own dance routines.
To help Year 5 with programming in computing, we were introduced to Lego Spike by Mrs Haywood. We had to build our models and then programme them to move and make sounds. It was great fun!