Playground Buddies
Marsden’s Playground Buddies are Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who have an important role in creating a safe and happy place for children, in Key Stage One and Reception, during lunchtime play.
Children interested in becoming Playground Buddies complete a job application at the beginning of the school year. Selected pupils are given training, before working in the playground, alongside the supervising adults. A rota is drawn up so all buddies are on duty for one lunchtime play per week.
What is their role?
To help all children to learn how to play cooperatively with each other.
To help children resolve minor conflicts.
Teach children to play a wider range of games.
Help lonely children make more friends.
Most importantly, be available as a friend to all the other children.
How do we spot them?
All Buddies can easily be located because they wear bright yellow high visibility jackets!